Personal branding sessions

interior designer personal branding shoot

In this world of social media and online business spaces, it has never been so important to develop your personal brand, to tell your story and show up professionally, with on-brand imagery to market yourself, get yourself in front of your ideal client and build that all important, know, like and trust factor.

It's a known fact. People buy from people. They want to know your story, who you are, what makes you tick and they need to see your business in all its forms, in order to make that all important decision to choose to work and buy from you.

Since becoming a photographer and launching my own photography business, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some incredibly talented, intelligent and inspirational female entrepreneurs; some of which I have been asked to photograph, to help them represent themselves, as business owners, as well as individuals, in the most authentic way.

From fellow photographers, interior designers, life coaches and yoga instructors; to marketing experts, jewellery designers and authors, I have been able to connect with and showcase who they are.

My lifestyle branding imagery provides portraiture for female entrepreneurs who want to tell their story and have stunning images of themselves and their products, to thread throughout all their social media platforms.

I want the women I work with to see their images and feel confident about being visible, being the face of their brand and sharing their unique stories.

We all know the importance of storytelling when it comes to engaging clients in your business and professional images is the first hurdle to cross, when launching or refreshing your brand.

My branding imagery captures you being you.

They aren’t your typical ‘frozen smiled’ head shots. I love to connect with my clients and really engage to draw out your personality, your genuine smiles, your laughter and your warm open gestures.

I want to help your clients fall in love with you, so of course they are going to want to work with you.

Personal branding imagery helps you tell the story of your brand, your values, helps you market yourself in a professional way across all online platforms, get in front of your ideal client, sell more and make more money.

Having a bank of on- brand imagery takes the stress out of having to find content to post, gives you bucket loads of content and makes you stand out from the crowd.


 How much is a Branding Shoot?

My personal branding shoots are completely bespoke to you and your business.

Typically my clients love having the pre-shoot planning and style guidance, as well as the post shoot social media content planning to really get the most out of their images, market themselves more effectively and sell more to their ideal client.

Some clients are social media masters and just need stunnning on- brand imagery to tell their story.

Whatever you need I am here to guide you every step of the way and tailor a my services specifically to your needs. I want to know all about you, what makes you tick and create a plan so you can market and grow your business with ease.

Contact me to book your free Clarity call.

Check out our Personal Brand Gallery.